module tarantool.connection

This module provides API for interaction with a Tarantool server.

class tarantool.connection.Connection(host=None, port=None, socket_fd=None, user=None, password=None, socket_timeout=None, reconnect_max_attempts=10, reconnect_delay=0.1, connect_now=True, encoding='utf-8', use_list=True, call_16=False, connection_timeout=None, transport='', ssl_key_file=None, ssl_cert_file=None, ssl_ca_file=None, ssl_ciphers=None, ssl_password=None, ssl_password_file=None, packer_factory=<function packer_factory>, unpacker_factory=<function unpacker_factory>, auth_type=None, fetch_schema=True, required_protocol_version=None, required_features=None)

Represents a connection to the Tarantool server.

A connection object has methods to open and close a connection, check its status, call procedures and evaluate Lua code on server, make simple data manipulations and execute SQL queries.

  • host (str or None) – Server hostname or IP address. Use None for Unix sockets.

  • port (int or str or None) – Server port, or Unix socket path.

  • socket_fd (int or None) – socket fd number.

  • user (str or None, optional) – User name for authentication on the Tarantool server.

  • password (str or None, optional) – User password for authentication on the Tarantool server.

  • socket_timeout (float or None, optional) – Timeout on blocking socket operations, in seconds (see socket.settimeout()).

  • reconnect_max_attempts (int, optional) – Count of maximum attempts to reconnect on API call if connection is lost.

  • reconnect_delay (float, optional) – Delay between attempts to reconnect on API call if connection is lost, in seconds.

  • connect_now (bool, optional) – If True, connect to server on initialization. Otherwise, you have to call connect() manually after initialization.

  • encoding (str or None, optional) –

    'utf-8' or None. Use None to work with non-UTF8 strings.

    If non-default packer_factory option is used, encoding option value is ignored on encode until the factory explicitly uses its value. If non-default unpacker_factory option is used, encoding option value is ignored on decode until the factory explicitly uses its value.

    If 'utf-8', pack Unicode string (str) to MessagePack string (mp_str) and unpack MessagePack string (mp_str) Unicode string (str), pack bytes to MessagePack binary (mp_bin) and unpack MessagePack binary (mp_bin) to bytes.



    MessagePack (Tarantool/Lua)





    mp_str (string)





    mp_bin (binary/cdata)



    If None, pack Unicode string (str) and bytes to MessagePack string (mp_str), unpack MessagePack string (mp_str) and MessagePack binary (mp_bin) to bytes.



    MessagePack (Tarantool/Lua)





    mp_str (string)





    mp_str (string)




    mp_bin (binary/cdata)



  • use_list (bool, optional) –

    If True, unpack MessagePack array (mp_array) to list. Otherwise, unpack to tuple.

    If non-default unpacker_factory option is used, use_list option value is ignored on decode until the factory explicitly uses its value.

  • call_16 (bool, optional) – If True, enables compatibility mode with Tarantool 1.6 and older for call operations.

  • connection_timeout (float or None, optional) – Time to establish initial socket connection, in seconds.

  • transport (str, optional) – '' or 'ssl'. Set to 'ssl' to enable SSL encryption for a connection (requires Python >= 3.5).

  • ssl_key_file (str or None, optional) – Path to a private SSL key file. Mandatory, if the server uses a trusted certificate authorities (CA) file.

  • ssl_cert_file (str or None, optional) – Path to a SSL certificate file. Mandatory, if the server uses a trusted certificate authorities (CA) file.

  • ssl_ca_file (str or None, optional) – Path to a trusted certificate authority (CA) file.

  • ssl_ciphers (str or None, optional) – Colon-separated (:) list of SSL cipher suites the connection can use.

  • ssl_password (str or None, optional) – Password for decrypting ssl_key_file.

  • ssl_password_file (str or None, optional) – File with password for decrypting ssl_key_file. Connection tries every line from the file as a password.

  • packer_factory (callable[[Connection], Packer], optional) – Request MessagePack packer factory. Supersedes encoding. See packer_factory() for example of a packer factory.

  • unpacker_factory (callable[[Connection], Unpacker], optional) – Response MessagePack unpacker factory. Supersedes encoding and use_list. See unpacker_factory() for example of an unpacker factory.

  • auth_type (None or str, optional) – Authentication method: "chap-sha1" (supported in Tarantool CE and EE) or "pap-sha256" (supported in Tarantool EE, "ssl" transport must be used). If None, use authentication method provided by server in IPROTO_ID exchange. If server does not provide an authentication method, use "chap-sha1".

  • fetch_schema (bool, optional) – If False, schema is not loaded on connect and schema updates are not automatically loaded. As a result, these methods become unavailable: replace(), insert(), delete(), upsert(), update(), select(), space().

  • required_protocol_version (int or None, optional) – Minimal protocol version that should be supported by Tarantool server.

  • required_features (list or None, optional) – List of protocol features that should be supported by Tarantool server.


ConfigurationError, connect() exceptions

Error = <class 'tarantool.error.Error'>

DBAPI compatibility.



DatabaseError = <class 'tarantool.error.DatabaseError'>

DBAPI compatibility.



InterfaceError = <class 'tarantool.error.InterfaceError'>

DBAPI compatibility.



ConfigurationError = <class 'tarantool.error.ConfigurationError'>

DBAPI compatibility.



SchemaError = <class 'tarantool.error.SchemaError'>

DBAPI compatibility.



NetworkError = <class 'tarantool.error.NetworkError'>

DBAPI compatibility.



Warning = <class 'Warning'>

DBAPI compatibility.



DataError = <class 'tarantool.error.DataError'>

DBAPI compatibility.



OperationalError = <class 'tarantool.error.OperationalError'>

DBAPI compatibility.



IntegrityError = <class 'tarantool.error.IntegrityError'>

DBAPI compatibility.



InternalError = <class 'tarantool.error.InternalError'>

DBAPI compatibility.



ProgrammingError = <class 'tarantool.error.ProgrammingError'>

DBAPI compatibility.



NotSupportedError = <class 'tarantool.error.NotSupportedError'>

DBAPI compatibility.



exception CrudModuleError(_, error)

Exception raised for errors that are related to the operation result of crud module.

Sets fields with result and errors.


args (tuple) – The tuple from the crud module with result and errors.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

authenticate(user, password)

Execute an AUTHENTICATE request: authenticate a connection. There is no need to call this method explicitly until you want to reauthenticate with different parameters.

  • user (str) – User to authenticate.

  • password (str) – Password for the user.

Return type:



AssertionError, DatabaseError, SchemaError, NetworkError, SslError

call(func_name, *args, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Execute a CALL request: call a stored Lua function.

  • func_name (str) – Stored Lua function name.

  • args (tuple) – Stored Lua function arguments.

  • on_push (function, optional) – Сallback for processing out-of-band messages.

  • on_push_ctx (optional) – Сontext for working with on_push callback.

Return type:



AssertionError, SchemaError, NetworkError, SslError


Close a connection to the server. The method is idempotent.


Create a connection to the host and port specified on initialization. There is no need to call this method explicitly until you have set connect_now=False on initialization.


NetworkError, SslError, SchemaError, DatabaseError

crud_count(space_name: str, conditions: Optional[list] = None, opts: Optional[dict] = None) int

Gets rows count through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • conditions (list, optional) – The conditions for the crud module.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_delete(space_name: str, key: int, opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Deletes row through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • key (int) – The primary key value.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_get(space_name: str, key: int, opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Gets row through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • key (int) – The primary key value.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_insert(space_name: str, values: Union[tuple, list], opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Inserts row through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • values (tuple or list) – Tuple to be inserted.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_insert_many(space_name: str, values: Union[tuple, list], opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Inserts batch rows through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • values (tuple or list) – Tuple to be inserted.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_insert_object(space_name: str, values: dict, opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Inserts object row through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • values (dict) – Tuple to be inserted.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_insert_object_many(space_name: str, values: Union[tuple, list], opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Inserts batch object rows through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • values (tuple or list) – Tuple to be inserted.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_len(space_name: str, opts: Optional[dict] = None) int

Gets the number of tuples in the space through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_max(space_name: str, index_name: str, opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Gets rows with maximum value in the specified index through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • index_name (str) – The name of the index.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_min(space_name: str, index_name: str, opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Gets rows with minimum value in the specified index through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • index_name (str) – The name of the index.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_replace(space_name: str, values: Union[tuple, list], opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Replaces row through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • values (tuple or list) – Tuple to be inserted.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_replace_many(space_name: str, values: Union[tuple, list], opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Replaces batch rows through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • values (tuple or list) – Tuple to be inserted.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_replace_object(space_name: str, values: dict, opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Replaces object row through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • values (dict) – Tuple to be inserted.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_replace_object_many(space_name: str, values: Union[tuple, list], opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Replaces batch object rows through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • values (tuple or list) – Tuple to be inserted.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_select(space_name: str, conditions: Optional[list] = None, opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Selects rows through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • conditions (list, optional) – The select conditions for the crud module.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, :exc:`~tarantool.error.DatabaseError`select

crud_stats(space_name: Optional[str] = None) CrudResult

Gets statistics from the crud.


space_name (str, optional) – The name of the target space.

Return type:




crud_storage_info(opts: Optional[dict] = None) dict

Gets storages status through the crud.


opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_truncate(space_name: str, opts: Optional[dict] = None) bool

Truncate rows through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_unflatten_rows(rows: list, metadata: list) list

Makes rows unflatten through the crud.

  • rows (list) – The rows to unflatten.

  • metadata (list) – The metadata to unflatten.

Return type:


crud_update(space_name: str, key: int, operations: Optional[list] = None, opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Updates row through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • key (int) – The primary key value.

  • operations (list, optional) – The update operations for the crud module.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_upsert(space_name: str, values: Union[tuple, list], operations: Optional[list] = None, opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Upserts row through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • values (tuple or list) – Tuple to be inserted.

  • operations (list, optional) – The update operations for the crud module.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_upsert_many(space_name: str, values_operation: Union[tuple, list], opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Upserts batch rows through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • values_operation (tuple or list) – The data with update operations.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_upsert_object(space_name: str, values: dict, operations: Optional[list] = None, opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Upserts object row through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • values (dict) – Tuple to be inserted.

  • operations (list, optional) – The update operations for the crud module.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

crud_upsert_object_many(space_name: str, values_operation: Union[tuple, list], opts: Optional[dict] = None) CrudResult

Upserts batch object rows through the crud.

  • space_name (str) – The name of the target space.

  • values_operation (tuple or list) – The data with update operations.

  • opts (dict, optional) – The opts for the crud module.

Return type:



CrudModuleError, DatabaseError

delete(space_name, key, *, index=0, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Execute a DELETE request: delete a tuple in the space.

  • space_name (str or int) – Space name or space id.

  • key – Key of a tuple to be deleted.

  • index (str or int, optional) – Index name or index id. If you’re using a secondary index, it must be unique. Defaults to primary index.

  • on_push (function, optional) – Сallback for processing out-of-band messages.

  • on_push_ctx (optional) – Сontext for working with on_push callback.

Return type:



AssertionError, DatabaseError, SchemaError, NetworkError, SslError, NotSupportedError

eval(expr, *args, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Execute an EVAL request: evaluate a Lua expression.

  • expr (str) – Lua expression.

  • args (tuple) – Lua expression arguments.

  • on_push (function, optional) – Сallback for processing out-of-band messages.

  • on_push_ctx (optional) – Сontext for working with on_push callback.

Return type:



AssertionError, DatabaseError, SchemaError, NetworkError, SslError

execute(query, params=None)

Execute an SQL request: see documentation for syntax reference.

The Tarantool binary protocol for SQL requests supports “qmark” and “named” param styles. A sequence of values can be used for “qmark” style. A mapping is used for “named” param style without the leading colon in the keys.

Example for “qmark” arguments:

args = ['']
c.execute('select * from "users" where "email"=?', args)

Example for “named” arguments:

args = {'email': ''}
c.execute('select * from "users" where "email"=:email', args)
  • query (str) – SQL query.

  • params (dict or list or None, optional) – SQL query bind values.

Return type:



AssertionError, DatabaseError, SchemaError, NetworkError, SslError


Reload space and index schema.


SchemaError, DatabaseError

insert(space_name, values, *, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Execute an INSERT request: insert a tuple to the space. Throws an error if there is already a tuple with the same primary key.

  • space_name (str or int) – Space name or space id.

  • values (tuple or list) – Record to be inserted.

  • on_push (function, optional) – Сallback for processing out-of-band messages.

  • on_push_ctx (optional) – Сontext for working with on_push callback.

Return type:



AssertionError, DatabaseError, SchemaError, NetworkError, SslError, NotSupportedError


Returns True if connection is closed. False otherwise.

Return type:



Execute a PING request: send an empty request and receive an empty response from the server.


notime (bool, optional) – If False, returns response time. Otherwise, it returns 'Success'.


Response time or 'Success'.

Return type:

float or str


AssertionError, DatabaseError, SchemaError, NetworkError, SslError

replace(space_name, values, *, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Execute a REPLACE request: replace a tuple in the space. Doesn’t throw an error if there is no tuple with the specified primary key.

  • space_name (str or int) – Space name or space id.

  • values (tuple or list) – Tuple to be replaced.

  • on_push (function, optional) – Сallback for processing out-of-band messages.

  • on_push_ctx (optional) – Сontext for working with on_push callback.

Return type:



AssertionError, DatabaseError, SchemaError, NetworkError, SslError, NotSupportedError

select(space_name, key=None, *, offset=0, limit=4294967295, index=0, iterator=None, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Execute a SELECT request: select a tuple from the space.

  • space_name (str or int) – Space name or space id.

  • key (optional) – Key of a tuple to be selected.

  • offset (int, optional) – Number of tuples to skip.

  • limit (str or int, optional) – Maximum number of tuples to select.

  • index – Index name or index id to select. Defaults to primary index.

  • iterator

    Index iterator type.

    Iterator types for TREE indexes:

    Iterator type




    search value

    The comparison operator is ‘==’ (equal to). If an index key is equal to a search value, it matches. Tuples are returned in ascending order by index key. This is the default.


    search value

    Matching is the same as for 'EQ'. Tuples are returned in descending order by index key.


    search value

    The comparison operator is ‘>’ (greater than). If an index key is greater than a search value, it matches. Tuples are returned in ascending order by index key.


    search value

    The comparison operator is ‘>=’ (greater than or equal to). If an index key is greater than or equal to a search value, it matches. Tuples are returned in ascending order by index key.


    search value

    Same as 'GE'


    search value

    The comparison operator is ‘<’ (less than). If an index key is less than a search value, it matches. Tuples are returned in descending order by index key.


    search value

    The comparison operator is ‘<=’ (less than or equal to). If an index key is less than or equal to a search value, it matches. Tuples are returned in descending order by index key.

    Iterator types for HASH indexes:






    All index keys match. Tuples are returned in ascending order by hash of index key, which will appear to be random.


    search value

    The comparison operator is ‘==’ (equal to). If an index key is equal to a search value, it matches. The number of returned tuples will be 0 or 1. This is the default.


    search value

    The comparison operator is ‘>’ (greater than). If a hash of an index key is greater than a hash of a search value, it matches. Tuples are returned in ascending order by hash of index key, which will appear to be random. Provided that the space is not being updated, one can retrieve all the tuples in a space, N tuples at a time, by using iterator='GT',limit=N in each search, and using the last returned value from the previous result as the start search value for the next search.

    Iterator types for BITSET indexes:






    All index keys match. Tuples are returned in their order within the space.


    bitset value

    If an index key is equal to a bitset value, it matches. Tuples are returned in their order within the space. This is the default.


    bitset value

    If all of the bits which are 1 in the bitset value are 1 in the index key, it matches. Tuples are returned in their order within the space.


    bitset value

    If any of the bits which are 1 in the bitset value are 1 in the index key, it matches. Tuples are returned in their order within the space.


    bitset value

    If all of the bits which are 1 in the bitset value are 0 in the index key, it matches. Tuples are returned in their order within the space.

  • on_push (function, optional) – Сallback for processing out-of-band messages.

  • on_push_ctx (optional) – Сontext for working with on_push callback.

Return type:



AssertionError, DatabaseError, SchemaError, NetworkError, SslError, NotSupportedError


Create a Space instance for a particular space.


space_name (str or int) – Space name or space id.

Return type:




update(space_name, key, op_list, *, index=0, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Execute an UPDATE request: update a tuple in the space.

  • space_name (str or int) – Space name or space id.

  • key – Key of a tuple to be updated.

  • op_list (tuple or list) –

    The list of operations to update individual fields. Each operation is a tuple of three (or more) values: (operator, field_identifier, value).

    Possible operators are:

    • '+' for addition. values must be numeric

    • '-' for subtraction. values must be numeric

    • '&' for bitwise AND. values must be unsigned numeric

    • '|' for bitwise OR. values must be unsigned numeric

    • '^' for bitwise XOR. values must be unsigned numeric

    • ':' for string splice. you must provide offset, count, and value for this operation

    • '!' for insertion. provide any element to insert)

    • '=' for assignment. (provide any element to assign)

    • '#' for deletion. provide count of fields to delete)

    Possible field_identifiers are:

    • Positive field number. The first field is 1, the second field is 2, and so on.

    • Negative field number. The last field is -1, the second-last field is -2, and so on. In other words: (#tuple + negative field number + 1).

    • Name. If the space was formatted with space_object:format(), then this can be a string for the field name (Since Tarantool 2.3.1).

    Operation examples:

    # 'ADD' 55 to the second field
    # Assign 'x' to the third field
    [('+', 2, 55), ('=', 3, 'x')]
    # 'OR' the third field with '1'
    # Cut three symbols, starting from the second,
    # and replace them with '!!'
    # Insert 'hello, world' field before the fifth element of the tuple
    [('|', 3, 1), (':', 2, 2, 3, '!!'), ('!', 5, 'hello, world')]
    # Delete two fields, starting with the second field
    [('#', 2, 2)]

  • index (str or int, optional) – Index name or index id. If you’re using a secondary index, it must be unique. Defaults to primary index.

  • on_push (function, optional) – Сallback for processing out-of-band messages.

  • on_push_ctx (optional) – Сontext for working with on_push callback.

Return type:



AssertionError, DatabaseError, SchemaError, NetworkError, SslError, NotSupportedError

upsert(space_name, tuple_value, op_list, *, index=0, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Execute an UPSERT request: upsert a tuple to the space.

If an existing tuple matches the key fields of tuple_value, then the request has the same effect as UPDATE and the [(field_1, symbol_1, arg_1), ...] parameter is used.

If there is no tuple matching the key fields of tuple_value, then the request has the same effect as INSERT and the tuple_value parameter is used. However, unlike insert or update, upsert will neither read the tuple nor perform error checks before returning – this is a design feature which enhances throughput but requires more caution on the part of the user.

  • space_name (str or int) – Space name or space id.

  • tuple_value (tuple or list) – Tuple to be upserted.

  • op_list (tuple or list) – Refer to update() op_list.

  • index (str or int, optional) – Index name or index id. If you’re using a secondary index, it must be unique. Defaults to primary index.

  • on_push (function, optional) – Сallback for processing out-of-band messages.

  • on_push_ctx (optional) – Сontext for working with on_push callback.

Return type:



AssertionError, DatabaseError, SchemaError, NetworkError, SslError, NotSupportedError

class tarantool.connection.ConnectionInterface

Represents a connection to single or multiple Tarantool servers.

Interface requires that a connection object has methods to open and close a connection, check its status, call procedures and evaluate Lua code on server, make simple data manipulations and execute SQL queries.

abstract call(func_name, *args, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Reference implementation: call().

abstract close()

Reference implementation: close().

abstract connect()

Reference implementation: connect().

abstract crud_count(space_name, conditions=None, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_count().

abstract crud_delete(space_name, key, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_delete().

abstract crud_get(space_name, key, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_get().

abstract crud_insert(space_name, values, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_insert().

abstract crud_insert_many(space_name, values, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_insert_many().

abstract crud_insert_object(space_name, values, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_insert_object().

abstract crud_insert_object_many(space_name, values, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_insert_object_many().

abstract crud_len(space_name, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_len().

abstract crud_max(space_name, index_name, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_max().

abstract crud_min(space_name, index_name, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_min().

abstract crud_replace(space_name, values, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_replace().

abstract crud_replace_many(space_name, values, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_replace_many().

abstract crud_replace_object(space_name, values, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_replace_object().

abstract crud_replace_object_many(space_name, values, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_replace_object_many().

abstract crud_select(space_name: str, conditions=None, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_select().

abstract crud_stats(space_name=None)

Reference implementation: crud_stats().

abstract crud_storage_info(opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_storage_info().

abstract crud_truncate(space_name, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_truncate().

abstract crud_unflatten_rows(rows, metadata)

Reference implementation: crud_unflatten_rows().

abstract crud_update(space_name, key, operations=None, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_update().

abstract crud_upsert(space_name, values, operations=None, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_upsert().

abstract crud_upsert_many(space_name, values_operation, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_upsert_many().

abstract crud_upsert_object(space_name, values, operations=None, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_upsert_object().

abstract crud_upsert_object_many(space_name, values_operation, opts=None)

Reference implementation: crud_upsert_object_many().

abstract delete(space_name, key, *, index=None, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Reference implementation: delete().

abstract eval(expr, *args, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Reference implementation: eval().

abstract execute(query, params)

Reference implementation: execute().

abstract insert(space_name, values, *, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Reference implementation: insert().

abstract is_closed()

Reference implementation is_closed().

abstract ping(notime)

Reference implementation: ping().

abstract replace(space_name, values, *, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Reference implementation: replace().

abstract select(space_name, key, *, offset=None, limit=None, index=None, iterator=None, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Reference implementation: select().

abstract update(space_name, key, op_list, *, index=None, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Reference implementation: update().

abstract upsert(space_name, tuple_value, op_list, *, index=None, on_push=None, on_push_ctx=None)

Reference implementation: upsert().

class tarantool.connection.JoinState(value)

Current replication join state. See join protocol for more info.

DONE = 4

No more messages expected.


Received current vclock.


Sent the join request.


Received initial vclock.