module tarantool.msgpack_ext.types

module tarantool.msgpack_ext.types.datetime

Tarantool datetime extension type implementation module.

class tarantool.msgpack_ext.types.datetime.Datetime(*, timestamp=None, year=None, month=None, day=None, hour=None, minute=None, sec=None, nsec=None, tzoffset=0, tz='', timestamp_since_utc_epoch=False)

Class representing Tarantool datetime info. Internals are based on datetime.datetime.

You can create Datetime objects by using the same API as in Tarantool:

dt1 = tarantool.Datetime(year=2022, month=8, day=31,
                         hour=18, minute=7, sec=54,

dt2 = tarantool.Datetime(timestamp=1661969274)

dt3 = tarantool.Datetime(timestamp=1661969274, nsec=308543321)

Datetime exposes year, month, day, hour, minute, sec, nsec, timestamp and value (integer epoch time with nanoseconds precision) properties if you need to convert Datetime to any other kind of datetime object:

pdt = pandas.Timestamp(year=dt.year, month=dt.month,,
                       hour=dt.hour, minute=dt.minute, second=dt.sec,
                       microsecond=(dt.nsec // 1000),
                       nanosecond=(dt.nsec % 1000))

Use tzoffset parameter to set up offset timezone:

dt = tarantool.Datetime(year=2022, month=8, day=31,
                        hour=18, minute=7, sec=54,
                        nsec=308543321, tzoffset=180)

You may use the tzoffset property to get the timezone offset of a datetime object.

Use tz parameter to set up timezone name:

dt = tarantool.Datetime(year=2022, month=8, day=31,
                        hour=18, minute=7, sec=54,
                        nsec=308543321, tz='Europe/Moscow')

If both tz and tzoffset are specified, tz is used.

You may use the tz property to get the timezone name of a datetime object.

  • timestamp (float or int, optional) – Timestamp since epoch. Cannot be provided together with year, month, day, hour, minute, sec. If nsec is provided, it must be int. Refer to timestamp_since_utc_epoch to clarify how timezone-aware datetime is computed from the timestamp.

  • year (int, optional) – Datetime year value. Must be a valid datetime.datetime year parameter. Must be provided unless the object is built with data or timestamp.

  • month (int, optional) – Datetime month value. Must be a valid datetime.datetime month parameter. Must be provided unless the object is built with data or timestamp.

  • day (int, optional) – Datetime day value. Must be a valid datetime.datetime day parameter. Must be provided unless the object is built with data or timestamp.

  • hour (int, optional) – Datetime hour value. Must be a valid datetime.datetime hour parameter.

  • minute (int, optional) – Datetime minute value. Must be a valid datetime.datetime minute parameter.

  • sec (int, optional) – Datetime seconds value. Must be a valid datetime.datetime second parameter.

  • nsec – Datetime nanoseconds value.

  • tzoffset (int, optional) – Timezone offset. Ignored, if provided together with tz.

  • tz (str, optional) – Timezone name from Olson timezone database.

  • timestamp_since_utc_epoch (bool, optional) –

    Parameter to set timestamp conversion behavior for timezone-aware datetimes.

    If False (default), behaves similar to Tarantool

    >>> dt = tarantool.Datetime(timestamp=1640995200, timestamp_since_utc_epoch=False)
    >>> dt
    datetime: Timestamp('2022-01-01 00:00:00'), tz: ""
    >>> dt.timestamp
    >>> dt = tarantool.Datetime(timestamp=1640995200, tz='Europe/Moscow',
    ...                         timestamp_since_utc_epoch=False)
    >>> dt
    datetime: Timestamp('2022-01-01 00:00:00+0300', tz='Europe/Moscow'), tz: "Europe/Moscow"
    >>> dt.timestamp

    Thus, if False, datetime is computed from timestamp since epoch and then timezone is applied without any conversion. In that case, timestamp won’t be equal to initialization timestamp for all timezones with non-zero offset.

    If True, behaves similar to datetime.datetime:

    >>> dt = tarantool.Datetime(timestamp=1640995200, timestamp_since_utc_epoch=True)
    >>> dt
    datetime: Timestamp('2022-01-01 00:00:00'), tz: ""
    >>> dt.timestamp
    >>> dt = tarantool.Datetime(timestamp=1640995200, tz='Europe/Moscow',
    ...                         timestamp_since_utc_epoch=True)
    >>> dt
    datetime: Timestamp('2022-01-01 03:00:00+0300', tz='Europe/Moscow'), tz: "Europe/Moscow"
    >>> dt.timestamp

    Thus, if True, datetime is computed in a way that timestamp will always be equal to initialization timestamp.


ValueError, MsgpackError, datetime.datetime exceptions


Valid operations:

Since Interval could contain month and year fields and such operations could be ambiguous, you can use the adjust field to tune the logic. The behavior is the same as in Tarantool, see Interval arithmetic RFC.

  • tarantool.IntervalAdjust.NONE – only truncation toward the end of month is performed (default mode).

    >>> dt = tarantool.Datetime(year=2022, month=3, day=31)
    datetime: Timestamp('2022-03-31 00:00:00'), tz: ""
    >>> di = tarantool.Interval(month=1, adjust=tarantool.IntervalAdjust.NONE)
    >>> dt + di
    datetime: Timestamp('2022-04-30 00:00:00'), tz: ""
  • tarantool.IntervalAdjust.EXCESS – overflow mode, without any snap or truncation to the end of month, straight addition of days in month, stopping over month boundaries if there is less number of days.

    >>> dt = tarantool.Datetime(year=2022, month=1, day=31)
    datetime: Timestamp('2022-01-31 00:00:00'), tz: ""
    >>> di = tarantool.Interval(month=1, adjust=tarantool.IntervalAdjust.EXCESS)
    >>> dt + di
    datetime: Timestamp('2022-03-02 00:00:00'), tz: ""
  • tarantool.IntervalAdjust.LAST – mode when day snaps to the end of month, if it happens.

    >>> dt = tarantool.Datetime(year=2022, month=2, day=28)
    datetime: Timestamp('2022-02-28 00:00:00'), tz: ""
    >>> di = tarantool.Interval(month=1, adjust=tarantool.IntervalAdjust.LAST)
    >>> dt + di
    datetime: Timestamp('2022-03-31 00:00:00'), tz: ""

other (Interval) – Second operand.

Return type:





Datetimes are equal when underlying datetime infos are equal.


other (Datetime) – Second operand.

Return type:



Valid operations:

Refer to __add__() for interval adjustment rules.


other (Interval or Datetime) – Second operand.

Return type:

Datetime or Interval



property day

Datetime day.

Return type:


property hour

Datetime day.

Return type:


property minute

Datetime minute.

Return type:


property month

Datetime month.

Return type:


property nsec

Datetime nanoseconds (everything less than seconds is included).

Return type:


property sec

Datetime seconds.

Return type:


property timestamp

Datetime time since epoch, in seconds.

Return type:


property tz

Datetime timezone name.

Return type:


property tzoffset

Datetime current timezone offset.

Return type:


property value

Datetime time since epoch, in nanoseconds.

Return type:


property year

Datetime year.

Return type:


module tarantool.msgpack_ext.types.interval

Tarantool datetime.interval extension type implementation module.

class tarantool.msgpack_ext.types.interval.Adjust(value)

Interval adjustment mode for year and month arithmetic. Refer to __add__().


Overflow mode.

LAST = 2

Mode when day snaps to the end of month, if it happens.

NONE = 1

Only truncation toward the end of month is performed.

class tarantool.msgpack_ext.types.interval.Interval(*, year=0, month=0, week=0, day=0, hour=0, minute=0, sec=0, nsec=0, adjust=Adjust.NONE)

Class representing Tarantool datetime.interval info.

You can create Interval objects either from MessagePack data or by using the same API as in Tarantool:

di = tarantool.Interval(year=-1, month=2, week=-3,
                        day=4, hour=5, minute=-6, sec=7,

Its attributes (same as in init API) are exposed, so you can use them if needed.

  • year (int, optional) – Interval year value.

  • month (int, optional) – Interval month value.

  • week (int, optional) – Interval week value.

  • day (int, optional) – Interval day value.

  • hour (int, optional) – Interval hour value.

  • minute (int, optional) – Interval minute value.

  • sec (int, optional) – Interval seconds value.

  • nsec (int, optional) – Interval nanoseconds value.

  • adjust (IntervalAdjust, optional) – Interval adjustment rule. Refer to __add__().




Valid operations:

Adjust of the first operand is used in result.


other (Interval) – Second operand.

Return type:





Compare equality of each field, no casts.


other (Interval) – Second operand.

Return type:



Valid operations:

Adjust of the first operand is used in result.


other (Interval) – Second operand.

Return type:


